Who is the Secret CISO?

Who is the Secret CISO?
If you are here - keep the secret!

Secret CISO is an independent publication launched in January 2023 by a group of CISOs who decided not to disclose their names.

Like Secret Santa's gifts, this DAILY newsletter is an anonymous delivery for the community. We hope it will be appreciated.

The Secret CISO team launch a pilot newsletter and will decide to continue if the feedback from the community will be positive.

Project Principles

  1. Make a daily newsletter that CISO likes.
  2. Do not load it with ads and promos, avoid vendors.
  3. Focus on major news, events, threats, and releases.

What's Inside?

The structure of our posts is constantly improving. As for now, it includes the Top 3 or 5 by the following topics:

  1. Cyber Threats - the DAILY pulse of the most critical new vulnerabilities
  2. Incidents - data breach and cybersecurity incidents daily report
  3. Posts - top content published by CISOs all over the world
  4. Podcasts - the most popular CISO-related episodes of the day
  5. Hardcore - technical deep-dives, exploits, and internals

Want to contribute?

Email us! Share news, links, and everything you found valuable for other CISOs.